
Future Mobility

Future Mobility

Cooperative intelligent transportation systems OF TOMORROW

Be it autonomous driving, connectivity or mobile services that complement the actual driving: EDAG deals with changes in mobility behaviour and develops the important engineering competencies for these business models. Thus, we not only develop innovative vehicle concepts, but also mobility concepts and software solutions that are directly accepted in the market and incorporated into a variety of customer projects.

With the UK leading the world in the most advanced Connected and Autonomous Vehicle programmes EDAG UK is expanding it’s horizons to develop the latest C-ITS solutions including next generation Precision Navigation, Security and Charging solutions.

Traffic jams in inner cities, consumers turning away from their own cars, and driving bans to protect the climate have a significant impact on personal mobility as well as traffic and urban planning. This is reflected in modern mobility concepts such as car sharing, ride sharing, car pooling and micro-mobility.

New, forward-thinking vehicle technologies like CASE (i.e. Connected, Autonomous, Shared, Electrified) are entering the market almost simultaneously. With their partly disruptive character, they require new engineering skills. As an innovation-driven engineering service provider, we recommend ourselves as a sparring partner for our customers in the technology sector at an early point in time.

Business model innovations are becoming increasingly important alongside incremental innovations in the core business. We help our customers develop further and strengthen their competitiveness and help idea providers to position themselves.

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